The last two days of our vacation were very nice. The weather finally straightened up and we were able to be out on the beach. The photos I have included are: the slave quaters at the Boone Plantation, the view from our balcony, Brenda and Emily, the Boone Plantation near Charleston, the ocean from our balcony, and lastly our condo complex.
Bettyjo Update - When we got back from vacation a stitch had worked it's way out of the small remaining hole in her neck. After it was out the hole just healed up on it's own. She is still only able to eat soft food, and it may take two years for the esophagus to develop scar tissue, and then soften to the point where the Dr. could possibly stretch it so that she can eat more solid food. However, as with everything else, we just never really can tell what will happen.