Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Bettyjo Update

Bettyjo went to the Ortho today, and was told that the area between the disks is starting to fill in with bone, which is good. However, she will need to remain in the Miami J collar for another 3 weeks. Ironically, her next appointment with the Ortho is exactly 6 months from the date that she had the first surgery.

We have begun to reduce the predizone, 1 mg at a time. She is now down to 4mg and will go to 3mg on Thursday. The reason for the reduction is that the ENT feels that it is inhibiting the healing of the esophagus. This is allowing her Rheumatoid Arthritis to come back to full strength, and she is in a lot of pain as a result. Now, I am not sure if the pain medication she is taking, is more for the surgery related items, or for the arthritis. Either way it is not good.

Please pray that the pain will subside, and that the esophagus will finally heal, and that the disks will fuse properly.

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