Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Bettyjo Update

Bettyjo's status has not changed much. She had a low grade fever yesterday, but the Tylenol she took seems to have done the trick. We are not sure if she had a virus, or if the fever is a result of her RA symptoms coming back. Good news is that the wound in her neck is getting smaller, and shallower. Hopefully when she goes back to the ENT on the 21st he will allow her to begin swallowing. I think that when she starts eating real food she will get some energy back. The liquid diet she is on now is only meant to keep her alive.


Ryan L Freed said...

Hang in there!! We're stilling pulling and praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Hallelujah, the hole is healing!

Rick said...

We continue to pray as well. Me, in-between inspections, of course!