Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Bettyjo Update

Bettyjo went to see the ENT today. It looks like she may still have a hole in the esophagus, as he did see some air bubbles. The exterior wound is healing, all be it slowly. She no longer needs to have it covered. She will see our family Dr. in August for the blood clot. Hopefully the ultrasound will show that it is gone, and she can stop using the blood thinning medication.


Anonymous said...

sweet, glad to hear things are moving along, even if it's at a turtle pace!


Anonymous said...

Glas to hear there is some improvement in the wound. THanks for the update. You guys continue in our prayers. Have a quiet week together

Jeff & Karen Irvin

Anonymous said...

Hi, Bob & Bettyjo,

Glad to read of some improvement. We'll continue to pray for healing of the esophagus and that the clot dissolves.
