Sunday, September 7, 2008

Bettyjo Update

Well....Bettyjo went back to the ENT, and he wants her to come back in a month to see if there is any change. She is currently still leaking from the neck. Her Family Doc. wants her to gain at least 12 pounds before she has any more surgeries. We have been adding a can of Ensure, which has given her a little more energy. She has been getting out a bit more.

Please pray that she will gain the weight needed, and that she will be strong enough for another surgery. This really is not what we wanted to hear, but there doesn't seem to be any other shot at healing.


Anonymous said...

Dear Betty Jo,
It was good talking to you on the telephone,too,today. We'll pray for your weight gain and for both you and Bob feeling better.

Rick said...

Continuing to pray for you here as well.