Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bettyjo Update

Bettyjo had quite a painful and sleepless night, which is odd because Dr. Willet said she would be sedated for the first night in ICU?? When I got here this morning she was wide awake and not able to speak due to a breathing tube. She had the tube, and in fact will remain in ICU for another day due to the possibility of swelling in the neck, that may cut off breathing, which would be a very bad thing. I say had the tube in because when Respiratory was in checking to see how she was breathing she coughed the tube up into her throat and they had to either put it back in or take it out fast as she could not breathe. They decided to go ahead and take it out. This has worked out well, as she is breathing fine, and thank God is able to talk. Any time you have surgery in the neck area, there is always the possibility of clipping the voice box nerve.

All things considered, she is doing really well today. Dr. Willet was in and he is pleased with how the outside looks, and is hopeful the inside will heal up as well.

If everything continues to progress, she will go to a regular room tomorrow.

Please continue to pray for complete healing.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. The breathing tube issue doesn't sound like it was much fun, but the rest of your report is encouraging. Never before have I prayed so much for an esophagus!

Here's to a long overdue speedy recovery!


Anonymous said...

AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
