Thursday, October 4, 2007

Bettyjo Update

Bettyjo will have surgery on the wound on her neck next Friday October 12, 2007. The Dr. will take a mussel from her chest and run it up to her neck to form a flap over the hole in the esophagus.

She is having a bad day today, and is in a lot of pain. We are not really sure just why. Is it from the past surgeries, the RA, in activity, or possibly a virus.

We still have not heard anything from our Family Dr. regarding the blood tests she took last Tuesday. I am not sure what the hold up is, but the receptionist keeps telling us that they have the report and are waiting on Dr. Garwood to read it?? We are considering changing Family Doctors, so if any one has a recommendation it would be appreciated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like my doctor. She is at Lincolnview family Physicians off of St Rt 40. I see Dr. Rebecca DeVillers. I believe she is a Christian and she always has plenty of time for questions. I can give you a number if you want.
~ Marsha