Sunday, March 2, 2008

Bettyjo Update

Bettyjo got up out of bed for the first time since her surgery. She has had some tubes removed, and at least two more are scheduled to come out tomorrow. They gave her some ice chips to attempt to swallow, but they would not go down, which really is ok for her first try. There may be some swelling yet preventing it. They have regulated her pain meds, gave her a bath and washed her hair, so when I left the hospital she was feeling quite well. I am heading back to spend some time with her this evening, and will head back in the morning.

Please continue to pray for healing for Bettyjo, and for travel as my parents and the girls have just left to head back to London.


Ernie B said...

Glad to hear things are moving right along, sounds like your doing well as well. GOD does amazing things... and thus is only part of it....

In him

Anonymous said...

Bob, Bettyjo, & family-
We are following Bettyjo's progress and are so happy to hear the positive reports...Sounds like "patience" is the key. Keep rejoicing in all the little steps (like a nice bath & hairwash!)along the way to full recovery...we love you all, and are praying for you.

Karen & Jeff & Crew