Monday, March 3, 2008

Bettyjo Update

Bettyjo has only one drain line left in, that did not produce anything today, and she is transitioning from the pain pump to less pain meds through her feeding tube. She has taken several walks around ICU, and seems to be coming along very well. Tuesday, they will unwrap her arm to take a look at the skin graph they put on the place they took her new esophagus from. One of the interns was in tonight, and he felt that if the arm looked good, and they can remove the remaining drain line, she may get to come home on Wednesday.

Please continue to pray for healing, and safe travel home. One other thing, my grandfather will be having surgery on March 12, please pray for success in the surgery and a quick healing.


Anonymous said...

Let me know if you need help when you get home. I will not be working on Friday and could help out that day. Hope to see you soon.
Is the swallowing going ok?

Ernie B said...

another awesome report, im glad things are going as or better than expected.. keeep the post coming..