Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Bettyjo Update

With all the pain medication and the trauma of having a funnel in her esophagus and a trach and being on a ventilator the pain meds Bettyjo is on keeps her pretty much sedated and had caused her to be a bit confused today. However she was a little more alert tonight when I left. Her one request was to be able to see some VHS videos of our family vacations and of the girls when they were small. Sot he Chaplin at Riverside arraigned for her to have a VCR in her room and we watched videos most of the afternoon. For those of you reading this who have small children, cherish the time you have, because the time you have REALLY does go by much too fast.

Hopefully Bettyjo will be able to come off the ventilator Wednesday, and will get into a regular room.

I can't express enough our thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. I want you to know they have been felt.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update, sounds like she is not at CCF but at a hospital closer to home. You are so right about time.. Take ownership of the DAY as we dont know what tomorrow will bring


Unknown said...

We are continuing to think of you all and are lifting you up in prayer. We love you.

George and Stephanie

Anonymous said...

Thank you for keeping us posted, Bob. Get some sleep, too.

Anonymous said...

Bob & Bettyjo-
We are thinking of you all so much...Glad you were able to dig out those old home movies and enjoy some good memories of family... We are blessed to still have Lizzy (& Caleb) to enjoy the pre-teen activities with. (She just acts like a teenager!) I am feeling much older myself as I got bifocals yesterday! UGH! I am not adapting to them very well. Take care and keep resting in God's care. He has you in His hands.
Love, Karen & crew