Thursday, May 22, 2008

Bettyjo Update

Good and bad news today. Bettyjo was able to talk a bit to me on the phone (please do not call her just yet). Hopefully she will be talking more soon. She gets a bit frustrated writing. Mostly because she has difficulty spelling. I am not the best speller either, so both of the girls are cursed. In addition they have run out of sites to put in IV's so they are going surgically install a Grushon Port. This will be surgery #10 in 14 months.


Anonymous said...

Yikes! Ten surgeries in 14 months! I'm still praying that you are close to the top of this enourmous (probably spelled that wrong) mountain and ABOUT to gain momentum in your healing. I'm just amazed at how good you looked Sunday after all you've been through and still showing your wit in the midst of the pain too. You are such a trooper, Bettyjo.

Anonymous said...

Oh, little Bettyjo. You must feel like a human pincushion. Don't worry about the dumb spelling; nobody cares about that.


Anonymous said...

It was good to spend the day with you, Bettyjo. I'm sorry that it was a rough one. Your spirit is incredible. I don't know what to say but I want you to know that i care. ~Love, Marsha

Anonymous said...

10 WOW.......I had three and I might have a forth here in another month,, all in the past six months.. I hope things are progessing.

Happy thoughts for the family!
