Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Bettyjo Update

Bettyjo is taking nutrition through her Grushon port. Because of all the vomiting she has torn the stitches in her funnel and is leaking through the same old hole. She now has a blood clot in her right shoulder. However through it all was in good spirits when I left her this evening.

Dr. Willet was to come in later this evening with some new idea/ideas. So hopefully I will have something more to report tomorrow.

My grandfather has done well with his chemo, and is no longer passing blood. Hopefully the tumor in the prostate is shrinking. They will do a full body scan after is last chemo treatment.

My father is now passing blood and, is having some pain in his back. He has had kidney stones before, but says this pain is not the same. He will be going to a specialists on June 6th.

My uncle Don, had a hematoma on his brain from a fall in January and had suffered some stroke like symptoms, had brain surgery to repair the blood vessel and then was recently hospitalized again because of a seizure. He is out of the hospital and is doing much better now.

Please remember all of these, and their doctors in your prayers.


Anonymous said...

hi, Bob & Bettjo.

Please read with me Isaiah 62: 6-7,when your read, Put your name where He says 'Jerusalem". You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

galations 6:14 comes to mind, build a yark and have all come and be together. well no yark building here but we need to get some people to do some massive prayers... Its never too many problems, but still it can stress someone quick. Know that GOD does have the upper hand...

IN prayer