Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Bettyjo Update

Bettyjo has come out of surgery and is doing very well. Dr. Willet was able to repair the blood vessel a close her back up. She is still reacting very badly to the pain meds. A pain specialist has been consulted, and a new cocktail is being put together.


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear she came through well. We will continue to pray about the pain meds.

--Rob & Doris

Anonymous said...

Wow, Bob and Bettyjo, how scary that must have been. I'm so glad the doctor was able to fix the blood vessel. Good grief. We're praying they get the pain meds right. You probably feel like you could use some medication about now, Bob, I'm sure. Once again, thanks for taking the time to keep us informed.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the updates. We continue to pray! I've been thinking of 2 Cor 4 lately and am praying for your family that though you are hard pressed on every side, you won't be crushed ... though you're perplexed, you won't be in despair; though stuck down, you won't be destroyed...may you not lose heart.
Keith for the Scheffels