Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Bettyjo Update

On Sunday I went to see my Grandfather. He is doing pretty well. He has not been very sick, but has lost all most all of his hair, and has some sores in his mouth, which are known side effects of the chemo. His spirit remains high, and both he and Grandma are handling the situation pretty well.

Dr. Willet attempted to put in a new, more permanent trach in this morning, but it initiated the gag reflex and Bettyjo threw up. This has caused some of her stitches to break loose, and he was not successful in getting the new tube in. It seems that this entire battle is up hill.


Anonymous said...

Bob & Bettyjo
THanks for the updates on the blog it helps us to know how to pray. You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.

Jeff & Karen Irvin

Anonymous said...

Holy cow. Throwing up, losing stitches. Your grandpa being so sick. I'm so sorry, guys. I don't know what to say except I know God loves you and I know he's good, no matter how things may look and feel. We pray for you daily, and think of you often.


Anonymous said...

Oh Bettyjo, I am so sorry. I did enjoy visiting with you yesterday. You are an inspiration!! I'll continue to pray that God gives grace and strength for each day.
~ Love, Marsha