Sunday, March 16, 2008

Bettyjo Update

Bettyjo came out of surgery well. Dr. Willet said that she had a large puss sack behind her esophagus and a small amount on her voice box. He said that he really was not able to see anything for all the puss and blood that was coming out. In fact when the Anaesthesiologist pulled the breathing tube out it also had puss on it. Dr. Willet drained all the puss, flushed it out and then put in a Primrose drain. He will consult Dr. Alam either today or Monday, and will order another CT scan for Tuesday.


Anonymous said...

I was so disappointed to read this, and can imagine that you're feeling disheartened about the whole thing, to say the least. I will keep you in my prayers. You are allowed to yell. Hang in there, hang in there.


Anonymous said...

Zachrich Family-
This was not what we expected to read/hear.... Needless to say, we are thinking of you and praying for a quick end to the infection. We know that our God is good, and He can be trusted... Sunday is coming!

Love, Karen & Jeff

Anonymous said...

What a shock it was to hear this. However, we will not grow weary in believing for complete healing. Our prayers will continue until we are certain of this. God loves you and so do we.

-Robin for the Troyers

Anonymous said...

Keep us up to date -you are in our thoughts and Prayers
Jeff & Karen Irvin

Ernie B said...

Like others said, I was not expecting to hear/read this. However Im glad something was done about it, not allowing pride to get in the way of things and not consulting with the doc. Glad things are looking better now. and with the next scan perhaps they will talk about going home...
